Vandens flasseris/oralinis dirgiklis

Vandens flasseris/oralinis dirgiklis


Ozono vandens flasseris išplėtė gilią valymą ir detoksikuoja žemiau gumos linijos. Jo unikali ozono vandens technologija naudoja ozono vandenį, praturtintą mikroburbulais, kad būtų lengviau pašalinti plokštelių bakterijas sveikesnėms dantenoms. Tinkamas intensyvumas padeda pašalinti apnašas ir likusius maisto daleles burnoje. Suasmeninti srautai taip pat leidžia pritaikyti valymą: daugialypis švarus švarus, orientuotas tiksliniam valymui, pasukant dantenų masažą. Režimas suteikia didesnį vandens srauto valdymą, leidžiantį išlaisvinti vandenį tik tada, kai jums reikia lengvesnės, mažiau nepatogios patirties. Belaidis, vieno kūno premijos delninis įrenginys pagerina perkeliamumą, o galinio konfigūracijos vandens rezervuaras leidžia lengvai pasiekti ir užpildyti.

Ozono vandens technologija nukreipta ir padeda pašalinti sveikesnių dantenų apnašų bakterijas, o tradicinis siūlas negali pasiekti, padedant išvengti blogo kvėpavimo, dantenų ligų ir dantų ėduonies.

Dantų rekomendacija geriamasis drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens, pusiausvyros oralinė priežiūra Dantų dantų rekomendacija

$ 25.00

Wholesale High Quality Aqueous Ozone Water Flosser Dental recommen oral irrigator AO3 ozone water flosser Oral care for periodontitis Dental recommendation Shanghai Xiyun Ozonetek Co., Ltd. 

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens, naudingas didmeninė aukštos kokybės vandeninė oralinė priežiūra periodontito dantų rekomendacijų kopija

$ 25.00

Xiyun AO-III Waterproof Wireless Oral Irrigator The dentist recommends electrolytic Portable Ozone Water dental Flosser ozone generator Ozone Water Flosser with UV IPX7 Waterproof Wireless Oral Irrigator 200 ml Water Tank 5Color 2023r

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens, plaunamas didmeninė aukštos kokybės vandeninė oralinė priežiūros priežiūra periodontito kopija

$ 25.00

Ozone water flosser is recommended because it has many advantages and is better than traditional water flosser. First of all, the ozone water flosser does not need to add mouthwash, because it has its own electrolytic nuclear pile, which can generate ozone water containing negative ions and other aerobic gases. This ozone water has a powerful bactericidal effect and can destroy 99% of bacteria. In contrast, ordinary mouthwash contains alcohol, flavors, preservatives and other ingredients, and long-term use may have adverse effects on oral health. Therefore, ozone water flosser is a better choice.

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OEM/ODM vandeninis ozonas Vandens valtis vanduo Flosser dantys valyti dantis dantų dantų vanduo. Dantų valymo kopija

$ 25.00

Imagine a cleaning solution that not only eliminates germs and bacteria but also leaves no residue or harmful by-products behind. Look no further! Our Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator is here to change your cleaning game. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, it transforms ordinary tap water into a powerful cleaning agent that can effectively sterilize all surfaces and objects. Versatility is another key feature of our Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator. Whether you need to sanitize your kitchen, bathroom, or any other area, this device is up to the task. From sterilizing countertops, cutting boards, and utensils to disinfecting baby toys and pacifiers, its applications are endless. It can even purify the air, creating a healthier living space for you and your loved ones.

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Ozono vandens geriamojo drėkinimo elektrolitinis ozono generatorius turi aukštą baktericidinį greitį, tačiau nepažeidžia burnos kopijos

$ 25.00

Have healthy gums to protect teeth, have a healthy mouth to protect gums and teeth. Electrolytic bactericidal water, can remove 99% of oral bacteria, we have oral douser and electrolytic ozone bactericidal water cup, to give the mouth more comprehensive protection, away from bad breath, periodontitis, dental stones, tooth decay and other troubles.

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens, plaunamas didmeninė aukštos kokybės vandeninė oralinė priežiūros priežiūra periodontito kopija

$ 25.00

Periodontitis can be a daunting and painful condition to deal with. Fortunately, the AO3 Ozone Water Flosser is designed specifically to combat it. Its unique ozone technology promotes the elimination of harmful bacteria, ensuring a cleaner and healthier mouth. With regular use, watch as your gums regain their vitality and inflammation decreases.

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AO3 ozono vandens, kuriame gausu didmeninės kokybės vandeninio ozono vandens, flasser-copy

$ 25.00

The UK's National Health Service has just published guidance on "active care" for the frail elderly population at home. guidance to health care systems in Canada and the United States, including oral care, on how to address this rapidly growing need. Essentially, teams of healthcare professionals must provide care at home. This must include dental and hygiene care, as they play a role in controlling inflammation, stabilising diabetes and minimising the risk of debilitating progression such as ageing. But you can't bring a dental office into your home, at least it has to be convenient and quick.

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AO3 ozono vandens, kuriame gausu didmeninės kokybės vandeninio ozono vandens, flasser-copy

$ 25.00

In order to cater to diverse cleaning requirements, our wholesale high-quality aqueous ozone water flosser is equipped with a range of cleaning modes including strong, standard, pulse, and child modes. Additionally, its low noise design ensures a peaceful and comfortable user experience. The inclusion of an innovative memory function allows the water flosser to remember your preferred mode, enabling you to seamlessly continue using it even after turning off the portable device.

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Lazeriu spausdinant pasirinktinį kalėdinį modelį sterlizuotą vandenų drėkinimo OEM/ODM vandeninio ozono vandens „FlosserFrom“ gamintojo-kopijos

$ 25.00

Teeth dental water flosser teeth cleaning Meticulously designed with an ergonomic form, this OEM/ODM aqueous ozone water flosser handheld offers an upgraded professional pulsation technique that sets it apart. Experience the power of a mouthwash whitening pressure water pulse, delivering an impressive 1400 to 1800 times per minute. With a strong water pressure ranging from 30 to 110PSI, this flosser effortlessly eliminates all the trapped food debris that traditional brushing and flossing struggle to reach.

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Nešiojamasis elektrinis 200 ml vandens uolų srautai Rechargeableteeth valymas Belaidis vandens siūlų dantų ozonas Oralirrigator-Copy

$ 25.00

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Lazeriu spausdinant pasirinktinį kalėdinį modelį sterlizuotą vandenų drėkinimo OEM/ODM vandeninio ozono vandens „FlosserFrom“ gamintojo-kopijos

$ 25.00

 In order to cater to diverse cleaning requirements, our wholesale high-quality aqueous ozone water flosser is equipped with a range of cleaning modes including strong, standard, pulse, and child modes. Additionally, its low noise design ensures a peaceful and comfortable user experience. The inclusion of an innovative memory function allows the water flosser to remember your preferred mode, enabling you to seamlessly continue using it even after turning off the portable device.

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laser printing Custom Christmas patternsOzone Sterlized WaterOral Irrigator OEM/ODM Aqueous Ozone Water FlosserFrom Manufacturer

$ 25.00

In order to cater to diverse cleaning requirements, our wholesale high-quality aqueous ozone water flosser is equipped with a range of cleaning modes including strong, standard, pulse, and child modes. Additionally, its low noise design ensures a peaceful and comfortable user experience. The inclusion of an innovative memory function allows the water flosser to remember your preferred mode, enabling you to seamlessly continue using it even after turning off the portable device.

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