Vandens flasseris/oralinis dirgiklis

Vandens flasseris/oralinis dirgiklis


Ozono vandens flasseris išplėtė gilią valymą ir detoksikuoja žemiau gumos linijos. Jo unikali ozono vandens technologija naudoja ozono vandenį, praturtintą mikroburbulais, kad būtų lengviau pašalinti plokštelių bakterijas sveikesnėms dantenoms. Tinkamas intensyvumas padeda pašalinti apnašas ir likusius maisto daleles burnoje. Suasmeninti srautai taip pat leidžia pritaikyti valymą: daugialypis švarus švarus, orientuotas tiksliniam valymui, pasukant dantenų masažą. Režimas suteikia didesnį vandens srauto valdymą, leidžiantį išlaisvinti vandenį tik tada, kai jums reikia lengvesnės, mažiau nepatogios patirties. Belaidis, vieno kūno premijos delninis įrenginys pagerina perkeliamumą, o galinio konfigūracijos vandens rezervuaras leidžia lengvai pasiekti ir užpildyti.

Ozono vandens technologija nukreipta ir padeda pašalinti sveikesnių dantenų apnašų bakterijas, o tradicinis siūlas negali pasiekti, padedant išvengti blogo kvėpavimo, dantenų ligų ir dantų ėduonies.

Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozono vanduo Flosser Burnos priežiūra, kai periodontitas Šanchajus xiyun ozonetek elektrolitinis ozono generatoriaus-kopija

$ 25.00

Electrolytic ozone water flosser Has significant advantages in terms of sterilization effect, safety, convenience of use and environmental friendliness, providing a more sustainable choice for consumers who are in pursuit of health and environmental protection. One time payment, low cost of use, no need to buy consumables.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vanduo, geriausias dantų valymui, ozonas Burnos drėkiklis Vanduo Flosser ozono generatoriaus ozono vandens kopija

$ 25.00

Why Choose AO3 Ozone Water Flosser? 100% chemical-free with no residue after use. Non-toxic and non-irritating to oral mucosa. Here are the outstanding advantages that other brands don’t offer: 1. Advanced Electrolysis Technology: Produces multifunctional ozonated water. 2. Powerful Sterilization: Ozone, chloride ions (Cl⁻), and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) effectively eliminate over 99% of harmful bacteria in the mouth. 3. Antioxidant Protection: Hydrogen (H₂) provides antioxidant benefits, promoting a healthy oral ecosystem.

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Didmeninis gamyklos elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Elektrinio vandens siūlių sterilizavimas Burnos drėkiklis ozono vandens floseris O3-kopija

$ 25.00

Electrolytic ozone water helps speed up the healing process of wounds, reduces the risk of infection, and promotes regeneration of skin cells. Electrolytic ozone water, also known asliving oxygen water, trioxygen water orsuperoxygen water, is an active oxidizingsubstance with strong oxidation properties,which can effectively resist sterilization,remove odors. 

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Didmeninė gamyklos elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Elektrinis vandens ruošos srautas, užkertantis kelią dantų ėduonies burnos drėkinimui

$ 25.00

Key Features: Chemical-Free Sterilization: The machine produces ozone water without the need for additional chemical agents. This makes it environmentally friendly, leaving no residue or secondary pollution. It's safe and non-irritating, which is beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin conditions like eczema, acne, or general skin sensitivity. Health Benefits: Electrolytic ozone water is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, which help reduce skin sensitivity and promote healing. It also accelerates wound healing by reducing the risk of infection and promoting skin cell regeneration. Versatility: This type of water is also referred to as living oxygen water, trioxygen water, or superoxygen water. Due to its strong oxidative properties, it is highly effective in sterilization, odor removal, and general cleaning, making it a powerful tool for both healthcare and household applications.

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Nešiojamasis geriamasis drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens uola Elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Dantų dantų vanduo Flosser belaidžių dantų valiklis-kopija

$ 25.00

Three Classical Colors Black Blue White Travel Electrolytic Ozone Water Best for Dental Care Tool Ozone Oral Irrigator Water Flosser The electrolytic ozone water machine is a sophisticated device that connects to tap water and uses a special electrode core to instantly generate various reactive oxygen species, including ozone, micro and nano bubbles, primary ecological oxygen, and other active oxygen factors like negative ionic water, hypochlorite ions, and hydroxide ions. This process results in highly effective bactericidal, deodorizing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozono vanduo Flosser Burnos priežiūra, kai periodontitas Šanchajus xiyun ozonetek elektrolitinis ozono generatorius O3-kopija

$ 25.00

The traditional water line washing is point-like impact, the washing area is small, easy to damage the gums, and the removal rate of dental plaque and dental scale attached to the tooth surface is low Under the same water pressure, the ability of micro-nano bubble water flow to remove dental scale is more effective than ordinary pulse water flow Countless micro-nano bubbles attached to the water line around the instantaneous explosion cleaning effect is good

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Didmeninė gamyklos elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Elektrinis vandens ruošos srautas, užkertantis kelią dantų ėduonies burnos drėkinimui

$ 25.00

1. Say Goodbye to Periodontitis: Periodontitis can be a daunting and painful condition to deal with. Fortunately, the AO3 Ozone Water Flosser is designed specifically to combat it. Its unique ozone technology promotes the elimination of harmful bacteria, ensuring a cleaner and healthier mouth. With regular use, watch as your gums regain their vitality and inflammation decreases. 2. Unparalleled Cleaning Power: Powered by a high-pressure water stream, this water flosser provides an intense and exhilarating cleaning experience. The strong pulsations effectively remove food particles and plaque from deep within the gum line and tight spaces between teeth. Say goodbye to hard-to-reach areas that your regular floss fails to tackle. 3. Embrace the Healing Properties of Ozone: Ozone has long been utilized for its exceptional antimicrobial and healing properties. The AO3 Ozone Water Flosser infuses ozone into the water, creating a refreshing and powerful treatment for your gums. Ozone not only helps to kill bacteria and prevent infections but also aids in the reduction of bleeding, inflammation, and bad breath. Experience a new level of oral hygiene with this groundbreaking technology.

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozono vanduo Flosser Burnos priežiūra, kai periodontitas Šanchajus xiyun ozonetek elektrolitinis ozono generatorius O3-kopija

$ 25.00

1. Say Goodbye to Periodontitis: Periodontitis can be a daunting and painful condition to deal with. Fortunately, the AO3 Ozone Water Flosser is designed specifically to combat it. Its unique ozone technology promotes the elimination of harmful bacteria, ensuring a cleaner and healthier mouth. With regular use, watch as your gums regain their vitality and inflammation decreases. 2. Unparalleled Cleaning Power: Powered by a high-pressure water stream, this water flosser provides an intense and exhilarating cleaning experience. The strong pulsations effectively remove food particles and plaque from deep within the gum line and tight spaces between teeth. Say goodbye to hard-to-reach areas that your regular floss fails to tackle. 3. Embrace the Healing Properties of Ozone: Ozone has long been utilized for its exceptional antimicrobial and healing properties. The AO3 Ozone Water Flosser infuses ozone into the water, creating a refreshing and powerful treatment for your gums. Ozone not only helps to kill bacteria and prevent infections but also aids in the reduction of bleeding, inflammation, and bad breath. Experience a new level of oral hygiene with this groundbreaking technology.

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Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozono vanduo Flosser Burnos priežiūra, kai periodontitas Šanchajus xiyun ozonetek elektrolitinis ozono generatoriaus-kopija

$ 25.00

1. Say Goodbye to Periodontitis: Periodontitis can be a daunting and painful condition to deal with. Fortunately, the AO3 Ozone Water Flosser is designed specifically to combat it. Its unique ozone technology promotes the elimination of harmful bacteria, ensuring a cleaner and healthier mouth. With regular use, watch as your gums regain their vitality and inflammation decreases. 2. Unparalleled Cleaning Power: Powered by a high-pressure water stream, this water flosser provides an intense and exhilarating cleaning experience. The strong pulsations effectively remove food particles and plaque from deep within the gum line and tight spaces between teeth. Say goodbye to hard-to-reach areas that your regular floss fails to tackle. 3. Embrace the Healing Properties of Ozone: Ozone has long been utilized for its exceptional antimicrobial and healing properties. The AO3 Ozone Water Flosser infuses ozone into the water, creating a refreshing and powerful treatment for your gums. Ozone not only helps to kill bacteria and prevent infections but also aids in the reduction of bleeding, inflammation, and bad breath. Experience a new level of oral hygiene with this groundbreaking technology.

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AO3 ozono vandens floserio ozono vandens burnos drėkinimo elektrolitinis ozono vandens generatorius Burnos priežiūros burnos priežiūros-COPIJA

$ 25.00

New Electrolytic ozone water, sterilization 99% of oral bacteria, the West called it "universal water" portable Cordless Water Flosser Rechargeable Travel Irrigator Water Tank Irrigator Portable Oral Cleaning 4 Mode dental Flosser 5 Colours Electrolytic ozone water, sterilization 99% of oral bacteria, the West called it "universal water"

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Dantų rekomendacija geriamasis drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens Flosser Burnos priežiūra Periodontito dantų rekomendacija Shanghai xiyun ozonetek-copy

$ 25.00

Our products have ozone and self-circulation sterilization functions, and this situation will not occur, which greatly reduces the secondary contamination of the oral cavity. Give the mouth a cleaner environment, choose the right product, let you use it is very comfortable, the momentum is just right, the people who use it say that it is easy to use, ozone has sterilization, there is no need to add mouthwash, so that you are looking forward to using it next time!

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Dantų rekomendacija geriamasis drėkiklis AO3 ozonas Vandens, pusiausvyros oralinė priežiūra Dantų dantų rekomendacija

$ 25.00

Wholesale High Quality Aqueous Ozone Water Flosser Dental recommen oral irrigator AO3 ozone water flosser Oral care for periodontitis Dental recommendation Shanghai Xiyun Ozonetek Co., Ltd. 

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