Universalus ozono generatorius/ozonizatorius

Universalus ozono generatorius/ozonizatorius


„Ozonizer“ yra vandens, oro, maisto ir namų apyvokos daiktų valymo prietaisas; Ozono naudojimas pašalina bakterijas, virusus, kvapus ir platų teršalų asortimentą. Namų ūkio ozonizatorius labai platus taikymo sritis: Tai padeda pašalinti nematomus teršalus geriamajame vandenyje, daržovėse ir vaisiuose, vaikų žaislus, tekstilės gaminius, virtuvės prietaisus ir paviršius, kad būtų pašalinti kvapas spintelėje, šaldytuve ar visame būste.

Elektrolitinis ozono vandens aparatas Šanchajus xiyun gamyklinis elektrolitinis baktericidinis vanduo yra plačiai naudojamas naminių gyvūnėlių vonios kopija

$ 500.00

Provide the washing machine with environmentally friendly and efficient bactericidal clean water to solve the sterilization, deodorization and cleaning of clothes, and solve the washing machine inner tube and water pipe to keep clean anti-bactericidal effect. A large number of micro and nano level living oxygen bubbles adhere to the stain of clothing, the energy generated by the collective burst can effectively collapse the stain and enhance the decontamination effect, which is why the use of less laundry detergent can have greater decontamination reasons

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens aparatas atsisveikina su tradiciniais dezinfekavimo metodais Mažo ozono generatoriaus vandens temperatūra5-42GEGREE-KOPIJA

$ 500.00

The machine's core feature is its ability to produce ozone through an electrolytic process, which is most effective only when the water temperature is between 5 and 42 degrees. Ozone, as a strong oxidizing agent, has the ability to rapidly break down organic matter, making it an ideal disinfectant. Unlike traditional methods, the use of ozone water for disinfection does not produce harmful by-products to the human body, and after the completion of disinfection, ozone will quickly decompose into oxygen, without causing a burden on the environment.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens aparatas atsisveikina su tradiciniais dezinfekavimo metodais Ozono koncentracija: 0,5–3,5 mg/l-copy

$ 500.00

The machine's core feature is its ability to produce ozone through an electrolytic process, which is most effective only when the water temperature is between 5 and 42 degrees. Ozone, as a strong oxidizing agent, has the ability to rapidly break down organic matter, making it an ideal disinfectant. Unlike traditional methods, the use of ozone water for disinfection does not produce harmful by-products to the human body, and after the completion of disinfection, ozone will quickly decompose into oxygen, without causing a burden on the environment.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens aparatas atsisveikina su tradiciniais dezinfekavimo metodais Ozono koncentracija: 0,5–3,5 mg/l

$ 500.00

Vandeninis ozonas yra ekologiškas dezinfekavimo valiklis, kuris panaudoja ozono galią efektyviai valyti ir dezinfekuoti įvairius paviršius. Tai yra saugi ir tvari tradicinių cheminių medžiagų valymo priemonių alternatyva, nes ji nepalieka jokių kenksmingų likučių ar dūmų. Vandeninis ozonas sukuriamas užpildant įprastą vandenį iš čiaupo su ozono dujomis, todėl gaunamas galingas valymo tirpalas, galintis nužudyti bakterijas, virusus ir kitus patogenus.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens generatoriaus patentuota technologija Ozono sterilizacijos kopija

$ 150.00

Our electrolytic ozone water generators offer not only superior performance, but also environmental benefits. Unlike traditional cleaning products, which often contain harmful chemicals, our equipment uses only water and electricity to produce ozone. This means you can achieve a high level of cleanliness, sterilization without harming the environment or your own health. Versatility is another key feature of our Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator. Whether you need to sanitize your kitchen, bathroom, or any other area, this device is up to the task. From sterilizing countertops, cutting boards, and utensils to disinfecting baby toys and pacifiers, its applications are endless. It can even purify the air, creating a healthier living space for you and your loved ones.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens generatoriaus patentuota technologija Ozono sterilizacijos kopija

$ 150.00

Our product is new to the market., different from the ordinary dental floss, We invest a lot in research and development,Professional certificate of ozone generator,We have our own factory, a professional team and advanced machinery, product quality requirements are high, you can rest assured.If there is a sales channel, it will bring profits soon.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens generatoriaus patentuota technologija Ozono sterilizavimo kopija

$ 150.00

Say goodbye to germs, bacteria, and harmful chemicals with our patented Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator. Experience the power of ozone sterilization like never before. Embrace a cleaner and healthier lifestyle for yourself and your family. Invest in this revolutionary technology today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a truly germ-free environment!

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Aukštos kokybės geriausios kainos didmeninė daugiafunkcinė ozonizatorius iš gamintojo-kopijos

$ 150.00

Enterprise factory shop, we are equipped with R & D technical personnel, the ozone water is used in daily necessities, we have the patent certificate of ozone generator, and many certification reports, you can rest assured to use.

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OEM/ODM daugiafunkcinis ozono generatorius iš gamyklos-kopijos

$ 150.00

Welcome to our factory, where we specialize in OEM/ODM multifunction ozone generator. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, we offer a wide range of customized ozone generators that cater to your specific needs. Ozone generator can be used to disinfect equipment, process water, and many foods in aqueous solutions. In its gaseous state, ozone can be used as a preservative for certain foods and to purify air, eliminate odors, and sanitise food packaging materials.

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Aukštos kokybės geriausios kainos didmeninė daugiafunkcinė ozonizatorius iš gamintojo-kopijos

$ 150.00

High Quality Best Price Wholesale Multifuction Ozonizer from Manufacturer Enterprise factory shop, we are equipped with R & D technical personnel, the ozone water is used in daily necessities, we have the patent certificate of ozone generator, and many certification reports, you can rest assured to use.

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OEM/ODM daugiafunkcinis ozono generatorius iš gamyklos

Ozono generatorius gali būti naudojamas dezinfekuoti įrangą, apdoroti vandenį ir daugelį maisto produktų vandeniniuose tirpaluose. Savo dujinėje būsenoje ozonas gali būti naudojamas kaip tam tikrų maisto produktų konservantas ir dezinfekuoti maisto pakavimo medžiagas. Ozonas šiuo metu naudojamas kiaušiniams išsaugoti šaldymo laikymo metu, švieži vaisiai ir daržovės bei šviežia žuvis.

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