Vandens flasseris/oralinis dirgiklis


Burnos drėkiklis AO3 ozono vanduo Flosser Burnos priežiūra, kai periodontitas Šanchajus xiyun ozonetek elektrolitinis ozono generatoriaus-kopija

$ 25.00

Electrolytic ozone water flosser Has significant advantages in terms of sterilization effect, safety, convenience of use and environmental friendliness, providing a more sustainable choice for consumers who are in pursuit of health and environmental protection. One time payment, low cost of use, no need to buy consumables.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vanduo, geriausias dantų valymui, ozonas Burnos drėkiklis Vanduo Flosser ozono generatoriaus ozono vandens kopija

$ 25.00

Why Choose AO3 Ozone Water Flosser? 100% chemical-free with no residue after use. Non-toxic and non-irritating to oral mucosa. Here are the outstanding advantages that other brands don’t offer: 1. Advanced Electrolysis Technology: Produces multifunctional ozonated water. 2. Powerful Sterilization: Ozone, chloride ions (Cl⁻), and hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) effectively eliminate over 99% of harmful bacteria in the mouth. 3. Antioxidant Protection: Hydrogen (H₂) provides antioxidant benefits, promoting a healthy oral ecosystem.

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Didmeninis gamyklos elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Elektrinio vandens siūlių sterilizavimas Burnos drėkiklis ozono vandens floseris O3-kopija

$ 25.00

Electrolytic ozone water helps speed up the healing process of wounds, reduces the risk of infection, and promotes regeneration of skin cells. Electrolytic ozone water, also known asliving oxygen water, trioxygen water orsuperoxygen water, is an active oxidizingsubstance with strong oxidation properties,which can effectively resist sterilization,remove odors. 

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Didmeninė gamyklos elektrolitinis ozono generatorius Elektrinis vandens ruošos srautas, užkertantis kelią dantų ėduonies burnos drėkinimui

$ 25.00

Key Features: Chemical-Free Sterilization: The machine produces ozone water without the need for additional chemical agents. This makes it environmentally friendly, leaving no residue or secondary pollution. It's safe and non-irritating, which is beneficial for individuals with sensitive skin conditions like eczema, acne, or general skin sensitivity. Health Benefits: Electrolytic ozone water is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, which help reduce skin sensitivity and promote healing. It also accelerates wound healing by reducing the risk of infection and promoting skin cell regeneration. Versatility: This type of water is also referred to as living oxygen water, trioxygen water, or superoxygen water. Due to its strong oxidative properties, it is highly effective in sterilization, odor removal, and general cleaning, making it a powerful tool for both healthcare and household applications.

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Švaresnis/ purkštuvas


Elektrolizės generatoriaus ozono aplinkos apsauga Germicidinis vandens purškimo puodas automatiškai sukuria ozono germicidinį vandens kopiją

$ 25.00

Through the electrode embedded in the bottom of the cup, the product converts tap water into ozone water with ozone concentration of 2mg/L, becoming a cleaning agent to kill bacteria, increase skin metabolism, disinfect facial inflammation, and maintain facial vitality. To tell you, ozone water is more effective than some facial cleansers or medications and helps relieve problems such as facial acne inflammation. The performance of this product has been verified by many authoritative institutions, and the use is safe and reliable.

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Vandeninis ozonas ekologiškas dezinfekavimo valymo-kopija

$ 25.00

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Vandeninis ozonas ekologiškas dezinfekavimo valytojas

Ozonas pasižymi puikiomis savybėmis, tokiomis kaip oksidacija ir mažinamumas, be kita ko. Jis plačiai naudojamas medicinos, maisto, sanitarijos, žemės ūkio įstaigoje ir kitose pramonės šakose. Tradicinis pesticidų sterilizavimas ir dezinfekavimas daro rimtą neigiamą poveikį žmonių sveikatai. Dėl to labai svarbu rasti naują sterilizacijos metodą, o ozono purkštuvas tapo perspektyviu pasirinkimu.

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Ozono švarus stalviršio spayer

„Xiyun“ ozono purkštuvas stebuklingai paverčia įprastą vandenį iš čiaupo į labai efektyvų kvapą mažinantį, ozoną įkrautą purškalą kitai jūsų medžioklės kelionei. Tiesiog užpildykite buteliuką vandeniu, paspauskite mygtuką, o ši neįtikėtina sistema užpildys vandenį ozono technologija maždaug per 90 sekundžių. Šis ozonizuotas vanduo neutralizuoja visus nepageidaujamus kvapus ant jūsų medžioklės įrangos ir drabužių per kelias minutes po kelių pravažiavimų su „Xiyun“ ozono purkštuvu. Be to, šis kvapo eliminavimo įrenginys yra neribotas papildymas!

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Dantų protezai valikliai


Ozono sterlizuoto vandens protezų valymo priemonės Asmeniniams tualeto reikmenims reikia dezinfekuojančių reikmenų elektrolitinio ozono generatoriaus-kopijos

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

Versatility is another key feature of our Electrolytic Ozone Water Generator. Whether you need to sanitize your kitchen, bathroom, or any other area, this device is up to the task. From sterilizing countertops, cutting boards, and utensils to disinfecting baby toys and pacifiers, its applications are endless. It can even purify the air, creating a healthier living space for you and your loved ones. Dentures and orthotics, jewelry, and baby pacifiers can all be sterilized

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Ozono sterlizuoto vandens protezų valymo priemonės Asmeniniams tualeto reikmenims reikia dezinfekuojančių reikmenų elektrolitinio ozono generatoriaus-kopijos

$ 23.50

Manufactured with the highest quality standards, our aqueous ozone denture clean cup ensures a thorough and comprehensive cleaning experience. It is specifically designed to remove tough stains and plaque, leaving your dentures fresh, clean, and odor-free. Not only is the aqueous ozone denture clean cup highly effective, but it is also environmentally friendly. It requires no harsh chemicals or detergents, making it a safe and sustainable option for denture cleaning.

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Protingas švarus ozonizatoriaus vaisių ir daržovių valiklis viskas, kas turi užmušti bakterijas

$ 20.00

Smart clean ozonizer harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various items. This compact and portable device is designed to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and odors, making it an ideal solution for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. With its advanced technology, smart clean ozonizer can quickly and efficiently disinfect a wide range of items, including fruits, vegetables, toys, clothes, and even the air we breathe.

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Ozono sterlizuoto vandens protezų valiklis iš gamintojo kokybės garantuojama kopija

$ 23.50

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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