Burnos skalavimo puodelis

Burnos skalavimo puodelis


Burnos skalavimo skystis išvalys bakterijų dantis ir padės pašalinti maisto daleles, sukeliančias blogą kvėpavimą. Azonas yra galingas oksidatorius ir natūraliai grįžta į deguonį. Mūsų elektrolitinis ozono vandens skalavimo skalavimo skystis nepalieka likučių ir nereikalauja galutinio nuplauimo ar nuvalymo. Valymas yra lengvesnis ir greitesnis. O jo ozono burnos skalavimo skysčio taurė yra geras pasirinkimas burnos priežiūrai.

Elektrolitinis ozono vandens elektrolizė Ozono generatorius Gargle puodelis Germicidinio vandens garso puodelis Burnos valiklio periodontitas-kopija

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

AQUA30C type electrolytic ozone water mouthwash, under the action of electrode catalysis, can catalyze unfiltered urban tap water to produce suitable concentration of ozone water 03, so that it becomes ozone water Ozone water has good bacteriostatic and antibacterial effects, and has the characteristics of instant inactivation of bacteria and viruses. It is used to clean the bacteria in the mouth, remove bad breath, balance the ecological environment in the mouth, repair the oral mucosa, and assist the rehabilitation of oral diseases. Makes it ideal for gargling and daily oral cleaning care. Oral care cups generate ozone mouthwash containing; Ozone, hydroxide ion(anion water), micro and nano bubble oxygen, chloride ion and other highly active oxidation molecules.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vandens elektrolizė Ozono generatoriaus gargelio puodelis Germicidinio vandens gargulo puodelis Germicidinio vandens gargelio puodelis 2000 mA-kopija

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

This product works in such a way that the electrodes embedded in the cup base turns tap water to ozone water with 2mg/L ozone concentration and make it an ideal oral rinse to kill virus and bacteria, freshen breath, disinfect oral inflammation and maintain oral hygiene. For your information, ozone water works better than some oral rinses or drugs and helps relieve pains and some of the oral problems that even dentists find it difficult to cure.

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Vandens dantų protezai Švaresni elektrolitinis ozono generatoriaus dantų protezai ir ortotikai, papuošalai ir kūdikių čiulptukai gali būti sterilizuojami kopijos

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

Have healthy gums to protect teeth, have a healthy mouth to protect gums and teeth. Electrolytic bactericidal water, can remove 99% of oral bacteria, we have electrolytic ozone bactericidal water cup, to give the mouth more comprehensive protection, away from bad breath, periodontitis, dental stones, tooth decay and other troubles.

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Elektrolitinis ozono vanduo pašalina burnos bakterijas, kad būtų išvengta periodontito ir dantų skilimo kopijos

$ 23.50 ~ 25.00

Take care of your oral and will be save more money Have healthy gums to protect teeth, have a healthy mouth to protect gums and teeth. Electrolytic bactericidal water, can remove 99% of oral bacteria, we have oral douser and electrolytic ozone bactericidal water cup, to give the mouth more comprehensive protection, away from bad breath, periodontitis, dental stones, tooth decay and other troubles.

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Vandeninis ozono burnos skalavimo puodelis iš gamyklos

Vandeninis ozonas yra galingas oksidatorius, kuris, kaip įrodyta, veiksmingai išvalo sunaikindamas įvairius mikrobus, bakterijas ir kitus teršalus ant paviršių, taip dezodorizuodami ir dezinfekuojant. Ozoną sudaro trys atomoje esantys atomai, o naujų technologijų dėka jis gali būti paverčiamas vandeniniu ozono burnos skalavimo puodeliu, kuris veikia geriau nei įprastas burnos skalavimo skystis.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozono burnos skalavimo puodelis

Vienas veiksmingiausių dezinfekavimo priemonių yra ozonas. Dantų ozonas yra 50 kartų efektyvesnis dezinfekavimo metu nei chloras, dažniausiai naudojamas dezinfekavimo priemonė, o jo poveikis matomas 3500 kartų greičiau. Burnos skalavimo puodelis užmuša patogenus, oksiduodamas ląstelės membraną ir sunaikindama ligos ląstelių ląstelės sieną, palikdama sveikas ląsteles nepažeistas. Ozonas, skirtingai nuo chloro pagrindu pagamintų produktų, nepalieka toksiškų likučių. Ozonas yra biologiškai suderinamas su visais odontologijos aspektais ir įrodyta, kad jis skatina neseniai kariškių dantų prisiminimus. Jis taip pat gali būti naudojamas kaip prevencinė terapija ėduonies, šaknies ėduonies ir endodontiniais intrakanaliniais drėkinamaisiais.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozono burnos skalavimo puodelio kopija

$ 23.50

High quality the most favorable price wholesale multi-function ozone generator factory workshop from the manufacturer, we are equipped with R & D technicians, ozone water for daily necessities, we have the patent certificate of ozone generator, there are many certification reports, you can rest assured to use.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozonas burnos skalavimo skystis savaime pagamintas elektrolitinis ozono vandens kopija

$ 23.50

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozonas burnos skalavimo skystis savaime pagamintas elektrolitinis ozono vandens kopija

$ 23.50

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozonas burnos skalavimo skystis savaime pagamintas elektrolitinis ozono vandens kopija

$ 25.00

Aqueous ozone is an eco-friendly sanitizing cleaner that harnesses the power of ozone to effectively clean and sanitize various surfaces. It is a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners, as it does not leave behind any harmful residues or fumes. Aqueous ozone is created by infusing regular tap water with ozone gas, resulting in a powerful cleaning solution that can kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozonas burnos skalavimo skystis savaime pagamintas elektrolitinis ozono vandens dantų valymo kopija

$ 25.00

The oral cleaning aqueous ozone mouthwash cup is a cutting-edge oral hygiene solution that harnesses the power of aqueous ozone to deliver an unparalleled level of cleanliness for your mouth. This revolutionary cup employs advanced technology to generate ozone-infused water, which effectively eradicates bacteria, combats bad breath, and promotes optimal gum and tooth health. With its user-friendly design, you can effortlessly fill the cup with water, activate the ozone infusion with a simple press of a button, and witness the rapid transformation of water into a potent mouthwash.

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Burnos valymas vandeninis ozonas burnos skalavimo skystis savaime pagamintas elektrolitinis ozono vandens dantų valymo kopija

$ 25.00

The cheap ozone generator for home use from factory is a cost-effective solution designed to provide efficient sanitization for your home. Manufactured directly from the factory, this ozone generator offers an affordable option without compromising on quality. It harnesses the power of ozone to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, and odors, ensuring a clean and healthy living environment. Despite its affordability, this ozone generator is built with durable materials and reliable components, guaranteeing its longevity and effectiveness.

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